
Choosing to end a marriage is a difficult decision, fraught with anxiety, stress, and the fear of the unknown. Although you are the one who must walk through the process, you do not have to do it alone.

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Choosing to end a marriage is a difficult decision, fraught with anxiety, stress, and the fear of the unknown. Although you are the one who must walk through the process, you do not have to do it alone.

Get A Free Consultation

Working with a skilled and experienced family law attorney, who has a deep knowledge of Illinois law and the judicial system, and who prioritizes your goals and your vision of the future, makes a tremendous difference. At Mackavich Family Law, we will provide you with guidance, knowledge, and support every step of the process.

Illinois Divorce Basics

In 2016, Illinois became a “no-fault” state, meaning it does not recognize the fault of a spouse, such as adultery, sterility, mental cruelty, etc., as grounds for a divorce. Instead, it must be proven that an “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage has occurred, and that all efforts at reconciliation have failed, and that future attempts would not be in the best interests of the family.

To prove the irreconcilable differences the parties must have lived separate and apart for a period of at least six months prior to the start of the divorce proceedings. However, this does not mean that the parties must live in separate houses. They may still live under the same roof, even though they ceased living together as husband and wife.

Before the divorce is finalized, the court must ensure that the parties have equitably settled among themselves all outstanding issues, both financial, and ones related to children of the marriage, such as division of property and debts, maintenance (formerly known as alimony) and all issues related to child custody and support.

At Mackavich Family Law, we will help you understand all your options and chose the right strategy for you.

Before Filing for Divorce

Understanding your financial situation and formulating a plan before filing a divorce petition, goes a great length toward securing success in achieving your goals. Reducing the number of unknown variables expedites the process and minimize expenses.

  • Do you know how many accounts you and your spouse have?
  • Do you have access to these accounts? Does your spouse have trading assets or offshore accounts?
  • Do you have access to income tax forms and other financial information?

Collecting such data is easier before divorce is initiated. When you call Mackavich Family Law for a free consultation, we will help you understand what elements must be set in place to secure the best result with minimal time and money expenditures.

Choosing The Right Attorney

Choosing the right attorney is vitally important. You should look for someone who fully understands legal issues specific to divorce, and who has necessary experience to successfully navigate Illinois court system. At Mackavich Family Law, we take time to listen to your concerns because understanding them, coupled with our knowledge and experience, is key to successful outcome.

Whether reaching a settlement or going to trial, we are with you every step of the way.

Get A Free Consultation

Whatever your situation, we can help. Get a free consultation today!

We look forward to helping you resolve your family law issues in a dignified manner. To discuss your needs with a dedicated Illinois attorney, please contact us by filling out the form below.